Professional Clinical Hypnotherapists of Australia Inc

Rooms 1 & 2 - Burwood RSL Club – ShaCesbury Road

Sunday 16th October 2022

9.30am Arrival

10 am Campbell McCubben – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Campbell will talk about PTSD from both perspectives, as trauma victim and therapist. He endured significant setbacks and reveals a number of useful tools or approaches that you may be able to adopt or explore in more detail for yourself or to use with clients.

Areas covered include
  • Dismissing the warning signs of PTSD, what to avoid
  • The breakdown and what happens to the mind
  • The Challenges that come with the PTSD conditions and alternate ways to overcome them
  • Building resilience
  • An overview of how the future can look different no matter how dire the situation

Campbell spent 24 years in the NSW police. He worked in general duties, intelligence, beat policing, detectives, on trains, dog
squad and water police. The end result, a medical discharge with PTSD in 2012. Campbell then went on to endure a life
threatening accident.

Campbell’s formal hypnotherapy training was with Frank Garfield in 1997 before joining IMDHA and PCHA. He is a published
author, writing, recording and publishing 6 x Hypnosis titles as well as an Accelerated Learning DVD to learn the multiplication

His certificates include
  • Diploma in Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapy – Infinity Institute
  • Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy from the Australian School of Applied Psychology
  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessing

Further studies include, NLP, Cranio Sacral Therapy, EFT and Havening, Wisdom of Trauma by Gabor Mate and many
other areas of interest.

He is currently working as a hypnotherapist mostly helping clients with depressions, anxiety and identity issues.

11am: Morning tea
11.30am Campbell continues
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Discussion of Campbell’s presentation and other items of interest.
Afternoon tea
4pm Finish

Members: $75 Non members $90 Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea supplies

Direct Deposit in PCHA account 054322540 BSB 112-879 St. George Bank. Please include your name & event, then email eyres@iprimus.com.au with your details for a receipt. All enquires to Ann Eyres 0417 471 407. The Professional Clinical Hypnotherapists of Australia Inc. ( PCHA ) is a long standing professional association. Our aim is to promote the educational and ethical aspects of clinical hypnotherapy and to ensure members and associates maintain the highest professional standards in the practice of clinical hypnotherapy. We encourage everyone to come and add this seminar to their ongoing development training.